
Friday, April 05, 2013

Where Is The Outrage? Take Action Now!

Like my friend, Olorungemstone, I am quite vexed this fine morning.

Recently, I became aware of the EIE petition to the US, British, Canadian, German, South African and Emirati Embassies in Nigeria to deny visas to those convicted of looting public funds. I immediately followed the link and 'signed' the petition, to find that only 1469 signatures had been collected (10.30am, April 5 2013).

Given the high internet penetration (think Twitter and Facebook) among Nigerian youth, this is ABYSMAL! It is interesting how we can marshal thousands of Nigerians to abuse Kenya on Twitter, we can rant and rave about the corruption in the polity on Twitter, but sit by and do nothing when we have a chance.

EIE is not asking us to donate blood, to give money, or to blockade the government house!!! All that we need to do is fill a form that has less than 7 fields -- and we cannot get 10,000 Nigerians to do that!!! Wow! If this is the state of affairs, then PDP might as well sit tight in their position for the next 60 years!

These corrupt politicians continue to 'rape' our country because they believe they cannot be touched. Alams is a great example! Steal, steal, steal - and what does he get in return? A presidential pardon!

If you are sufficiently angered by these happenings, and want to do something -- please go here.

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